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Évaluations et commentaires - NAPA AUTOPRO - Poco Automotive

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Craig Cantin began his journey at Poco Automotive back in 1993 in his grade 12 auto shop class. Back then, the shop was known in the community as Poco Auto Repair and had been around since 1976. “I just started tinkering. I bought an old pickup truck that I started to restore at my mom and dad's house. I think by the time I was 16 I had three cars,” Craig says. “I was always reading car magazines and stuff like that…. And then I took automotive class in grade 11 and 12, and did my work experience here at the shop. And pretty much after that I got an apprenticeship and got into the trade full-time.”

Craig and the shop’s original owner struck up a long-lasting friendship. As the years passed, he began to help his friend out with the heavy-duty projects. Their mentor-apprentice relationship developed into one of mutual respect between colleagues, and eventually Craig was ready to take over the repair shop. In August of 2011, he bought Poco Automotive with his wife and dedicated himself to upholding the tradition of service his dear friend had maintained over the years.

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