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6 easy ways to handle non-routine carpet care

27 juillet 2015

Most carpet available today has been manufactured with a stain-resistant treatment, which holds the stain on the surface. If immediate action is taken, many spills can be successfully sopped up. Other kinds of problems require special measures. Here are six easy ways to handle non-routine carpet care.

6 easy ways to handle non-routine carpet care

1. Removing pet stains and odours

The most effective means of removing pet stains is to use a protein-digester enzyme treatment.

  • Sold in pet supply stores, this product uses enzymes to turn urine and other organic matter into a liquid that can be blotted up.
  • Pet stains can also leave a lasting odour. The solution: liberally apply baking soda to the carpet and let stand for at least 15 minutes. (Wait overnight for particularly strong odours.) Once the baking soda has had a chance to work, vacuum the carpet.

2. Deep-cleaning methods

Dry cleaning carpeting requires no special equipment, so it is the easiest deep cleaning method to use.

  • Begin by sprinkling an absorbent cleaning compound on the carpet, and brush it well into the carpet fibres. Wait an hour, then vacuum thoroughly, using an attachment that provides maximum suction.
  • When a deeper cleaning is needed, rent a carpet cleaner from your local home centre or rental store, and purchase the appropriate cleaning compound. Vacuum the carpet before you use the carpet cleaner.

3. Using a rotary shampoo machine

With a rotary shampoo machine, move the unit continuously while releasing the shampoo into the carpet — the rotary brushes can damage fibres if left in one place too long.

  • Don't overwet the carpet, since this can cause shrinkage or discolouration.
  • Place cups under furniture legs to prevent staining.
  • Allow the carpet to dry completely. Then vacuum to remove the released soil and the shampoo residue.

4. Using a steam cleaner effectively

  • To use a steam cleaner, move the unit continuously in a W pattern. Release steam on push strokes and remove the moisture on pull strokes.
  • For badly soiled areas, repeat the steps in the opposite direction.
  • Steam is most effective on wool, shag and heavily soiled carpets, but water over 66°C (150°F) can shrink wool fibres.
  • Be careful to control how much moisture you use; overwetting carpet damages the flooring underneath and promotes mildew.

5. Eliminating static

Static electricity is a common problem for carpets, especially during the drier winter months.

  • For an anti-static agent, prepare a solution made up of one part liquid fabric softener and five parts water; apply this with a spray bottle.
  • Because static electricity pulls dust particles from the air, any measures that reduce static help to keep the carpet cleaner.

6. Reviving indentations

  • If your carpet becomes indented from the pressure of furniture legs, you can remove the depressions by holding a steam iron 15 centimetres (six inches) above each spot until the carpet is moist. (Don't touch the iron to the fibres.) Then work the fibres back and forth with a coin until they rise.
  • If the indentations are particularly deep, lay a damp bath towel over the depression and press the area lightly with an iron, using the wool or cotton heat setting. Leave the towel in place until dry. If this doesn't work the first time, repeat the process.

The principal care of carpeting is regular vacuuming. However, if your carpet requires a deeper cleaning, keep these tips in mind and use your equipment the right way for the best results.

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